Watching a movie at Rodina, opened in 1917, can be enchanting. It is a five-minute walk from Gostiny Dvor metro. From the enigmatic statue at the entrance to the majestic balconies of the big hall, the moviegoer relives the heydays of Soviet architecture. The good viewing angles and the comfy seats also add to the movie experience on the widescreen. There are movies from all genres and even some foreign language ones with subtitles. One of the particularities of the theatre is that it occasionally plays animated masterpieces. As for the lounge, it is spacious and there is a coffee machine to compensate for the absence of the usual café. Keep your translator app ready at all time though: neither the website is in English nor the staff speak it. You will also have to break some etiquettes… there is no room for your coats. And get ready to play a game of Russian roulette as gender signs are not present outside the toilets. One free tip for visitors of the theatre: the ticket price for any session is 150Rbl on Mondays!