Life is not a destination, but a journey. Some moron who has never had car problems in the middle of the desert in the summer obviously dreamt that one up, though we’ve found a place where it actually applies: with a palette of autumn colours that makes artists shriek with envy, Maksimir is a nature lover’s paradise. The very leaves beg you to take in the denouement of their divine tragedy, and why wouldn’t you? The 18 hectares of lush greenery and forest was opened to the public in 1794 and was the first of its kind in this part of Europe. It’s home to four man-made lakes and there’s no shortage of trails to amble, bike or jog along. The numerous park benches along the paths or the water’s edge are perfect spots to pass the day away upon. Kids, lovers, puppies and individuals with discernable heart rates seem to especially like it. Zagreb Bishop Maksimilian Vrhovec. Maksimir is the largest and the most lovely park in Croatia and was the first public promenade in all of southeastern Europe. If ever you had the inclination to pack a picnic basket, pick up a bottle of wine and splurge on a bouquet of flowers for good measure, this is the time and place to act on it.