This historical landmark and public open space was the site of Gdańsk's fish market from 1343 until World War II. It was established by the Teutonic knights, whose castle stood nearby from 1308 to 1454 when it was dismantled by the residents of Gdańsk immediately after being abandoned. The fish market continued, however, and was separated from the river by and wall and two city gates from the 15th century onwards. Damaged beyond salvation during the war, along with the adjacent waterfront houses, the only remnants of these defensive walls standing today is the Swan Tower (Baszta Łabędź), which currently houses the Polish Maritime Club. The fish market's pre-war function never returned and today it is a wider open space along the river that often hosts fairs and has seen several modern buildings built on it including the Hilton Hotel. Another feature is the colourful Gdańsk Carousel, which offers expensive rides from well-behaved horses. You can also take the water ferry from Targ Rybny to Sopot, Westerplatte or Hel.