
Old Toys Gallery

  ul. Piwna 19/21, Gdańsk ,   Old Town          (+48) 695 99 53 63     25 Sep 2024
The city’s smallest museum is in essence a room in what was once a shop a block away from the main street in the heart of the Old Town. This, however, is a great example of quality over quantity particularly if you spent your childhood in the People’s Republic or are interested in the playthings of children growing up in the years either side of WWII. It is fascinating to see both the quality and craftsmanship of hundreds of re-conditioned toys gathered from donations and house clearances with many having come from the heartland of Polish toy making - the region around Czestochowa in south-west Poland. As with many good collections part of the enjoyment is garnered from the owners’ pure love of what they are doing and this is the case here with the friendly curator happy to give you some background info on the toys on view which adds to the handy English explanations available on a series of screens around the room. While we didn’t grow up in PRL it has to be said we recognised many of the toys (we in the west just seem to have had them 10 years earlier) and even at an age where toys should no longer interest us we still felt a pang of envy looking at the motor bikes designed for children. So what that there was a lack of food in the shops - that lucky boy was riding around on a junior sized motorbike (we guiltily heard ourselves thinking). This exhibition could take you 5 minutes or an hour to view depending on your interest and we can heartily recommend it for a little look into how young Poles once entertained themselves.
Average visiting time:30mins.


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Open 11:00-18:00. Closed Mon.

Price/Additional Info

Admission 20/10zł.


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