
Mielżyński Wines Spirits Specialities

Another milestone in the revitalization of Gdańsk's Shipyard area, Poland's celebrity wine importer, Robert Mielżyński, has set up shop in the district's former fire station.

Mielżyński Wines Spirits Specialities in Gdańsk

This building dates from 1884, becoming the fire brigade headquarters 1903, and, more than a century later, is continuing its story as a wine bar, restaurant, and specialty wine store. Across 2 storeys, with an an area of 644m2, open storage of winery goods, a tasting room and Mielżyński's winebar itself is located on the ground floor.

Wine tasting at Mielżyński Wines Spirits Specialities in Gdańsk

Find a selection of exquisite wines, traced mainly from the classical regions of production in Europe. The restaurant with an outdoor terrace is now located on the first floor above, with a seasonal European menu of soups, pastas, desserts, and other classic mains, bolstered by the aforementioned wine selection, as well as cheeses, smoked meats, and other starters.

The exquisite gastronomic offer at Mielżyński Wines Spirits Specialities in Gdańsk


Open 12:00-23:00. Sun 12:00-18:00.
Store open from 09:00


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