
Gdańsk - Westerplatte Ferry Port

  ul. Sucharskiego 70, Gdańsk      (+48) 22 230 22 22     more than a year ago

Polferries from Nynashamn, 60km south of Stockholm, arrive at Gdansk's Westerplatte (after years of docking on the opposite side of the waterway at Gdańsk’s Nowy Port).

Ferries docked at Gdańsk - Westerplatte Ferry Port. Photo by Andrzej Otrębski.

The ferry terminal is about 11km north of the centre. Bus N°s 106 and 138 run from Westerplatte to the Gdańsk Główny railway station. Alternatively, a taxi ride into the centre of Gdańsk costs about 30zł. If you have a car then you should follow signs to centrum, a journey that will take you about 15-30 minutes depending on the time of day.


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The ferry takes about 18 hours and docks south of Stockholm at Nynashamn. A quick scan of their English site at suggests a single fare for an adult is about 60 Euros.
Tony Fauset

How long does the ferry take to get to Stockholm and the cost. Hiw frequent are the ferries. Finally does the ferry arrive in the middle of Stockholm
Editor Gdansk
These days taxis are much more reliable and trustworthy than they once were. They are legally obliged to display their prices and you'll normally be able to see them in the rear passenger window. The best idea is to get a taxi that has a company name clearly marked rather than just one with a taxi sign on its roof. They have metres but it is good to ask for an approximate price before you get in. The biggest firm in the city is Neptun taxi who are clearly marked with their telephone number on the side of the car - 19686. If none of their taxis are waiting you can phone one by using 5819686 (includes the Gdansk code) and the operator will be able to take your booking in English. They have so many taxis in the city that you should have one within ten minutes even if you have to phone.
Elin Berg
Any tips on taking a cab from the ferry to the city centre? Companies to avoid or other tourist trappyness? Would it be a good idea to pre-book a cab?
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