
Bar Familijny - KOS

  ul. Tkacka 21-26, Gdansk ,   Old Town          (+48) 512 297 742     30 Sep 2024
Once upon a time, Milk Bars were sterile places with steaming food costing pennies. If that was then, this place is now. It's huge, taking up 3 or 4 adjoining shop premises and it's all shiny metal serving counters and exposed brick. The concept though is familiar though markedly better done than we remember of old. Pick up a tray; move along the line telling the servers what you would like spooned onto your plate and then head to the till where you pay relatively little for a filling and actually reasonably tasty meal. High dining this is not, but for what is effectively a 21st century Milk Bar it is not bad at all!


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Open 08:00-19:00. Sat, Sun 09:00-19:00.

Price/Additional Info

€ € € €


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