
International Festival of Organ Music in Oliwa

Jul 1 - Aug 23 2022       ul. Biskupa Edmunda Nowickiego 5, Gdańsk
Built in 1186, Oliwa Cathedral is one of the main churches that has been servicing the city of Gdańsk for centuries. However, it was the construction of its Organ the mid-18th century that really brought the building to life. With a staggering 7,896 pipes and 110 registers allowing for an incredible range of pitch, plus the sounds including rippling water, animal cries and human voices, this gigantic music instrument is impressive even for non-church music devotees. Hearing the Organ during recital in the cathedral's solemn but beautiful interior is an unmatched experience! Since this is an international festival (the 65th, so they must be doing something right!), you can expect some of the best and most moving pieces by brilliant musicians from all over Europe. 




Every Tue, Fri 20:00 Jul 1 2022 - Aug 23 2022
Oliwa Cathedral
ul. Biskupa Edmunda Nowickiego 5, Gdańsk

Price/Additional Info

Admission 32-43zł.

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