Travelling between the three cities of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot is a cinch, and best done using the SKM commuter trains. Going away from the urban center, one should take note of the PKM train service. Once a train gets you to a locality, trolleybuses, trams and local buses can further zip you around. In this article, we chat about each public transport option in a little more depth.
With regard to getting the best value out of a ticket, we talk about some more premium options below in Ticket Prices, which are often a better idea than buying individual trips every time and especially if you're staying more than a couple of days!
If you are planning on visiting the Tri-city and have a disability, especially as a wheelchair-bound individual, we recommend you read out article on Travelling with a Disability in Gdańsk, Sopot and Gdynia.
SKM Commuter Rail
Travelling between the three cities of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot is a cinch, and best done using the SKM commuter train. These yellow and blue trains run more or less every 10-15 minutes between 05:00-20:00 through the Tri-city and less frequently outside of these hours with trains also running occasionally between 00:00 and 04:00.
Ticket prices are dependent on the number of stops you are travelling but a journey from Gdańsk to Gdynia will cost 9.00zł and take about 35 minutes (Sopot will cost 6.20zł and take about 20 minutes). Bikes travel for free and should be carried in a specially marked carriage usually at one end of the train. Children under 4 travel for free although you also have to buy a 0zł ticket (we kid you not) and you are likely to be requested to provide proof of the child‘s age so basically keep passports on you at all times. ISIC cards will get you a student discount but only if you're a Polish student, while Euro 26 cards are not valid. You will have to pay a fine if caught travelling without a validated ticket by one of the plain clothes inspectors.

Trolleybuses, Trams & Local Buses
(ZKM/ZTM) can also zip you around the relevant cities. Tickets are issued by Gdańsk and Gdynia. Gdańsk tickets allow you to travel in Gdańsk (and Sopot) and Gdynia tickets allow you to travel in Gdynia (and Sopot). If buying a ticket in Sopot you will need to buy a ticket for the direction you are heading i.e. Gdańsk or Gdynia.
Ticket Prices
Single - 4.80zł, 75 minute ticket - 4.80zł, Single ticket for use on a ‘fast’ line - 5zł, 75 minute ticket for ‘fast’ lines - 5zł, 24-hour ticket - 18zł
Tickets can be bought from kiosks or an increasing number of ticket machines which have English and German language options.
If you‘re planning on staying longer then there is the Metropolitan ticket which gives you travel in the cities for 24 hours - the first type covers SKM local trains and then buses, trolleybuses and trams in EITHER Gdansk or Gdynia and costs 26zł (13zł reduced) or a second version which is all travel in all 3 cities at 30/15zł. These are available from SKM and ZTM points not the machines.
A recommended way to avoid having to decide on which ticket and then having to negotiate how to get it with the woman in the kiosk is to pick up a Gdańsk – Sopot – Gdynia Plus tourist card. As well as the discounts and free entry to many of the sights that the card brings, you will also be entitled to free travel on the whole Tri-city transport network. Pick it up at the tourist information points around the city.
Those looking to spend a little longer here might want to consider picking up one the local travel season tickets which includes one - the Metropolitan Card - which allows you to access transport services throughout the whole metropolitan area.
National Trains & Buses
If you are looking to travel out of the city you will need to use the national PKP (trains) or PKS (bus) services. For trains you find arrival (Przyjazdy) and departure (Odjazdy) times marked on a board in the main station building with the timetables displayed on A1 size cards (departures on a yellow card and arrivals on a white card). Main-line train services run from all three stations in the Tri-city as well as Gdansk-Oliwa and Gdansk-Wrzeszcz. Regional and national bus services (such as services to Frombork) run from Gdansk Bus Station which you will find perched on the hill overlooking the train station. The bus station can be reached via the tunnel entered via the stairs outside the main train station and KFC.