An astonishing place. Every Sunday morning this place becomes Bucharest's biggest and busiest flea market. It's mayhem. More or less everything you can imagine can be found here, all prices negotiable. Next door is an enormous second-hand car market. Bus 123 from Piata Unirii will get you here. Be brave.
Open 08:00-16:00. Closed Mon-Sat.
Matthias Froehlich
Germany When taking bus 123, get off at the stop "Drumul inter vii" and keep walking the road alongside Auchan (Calea Vitan) for another 300m.
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Matthias Froehlich
When taking bus 123, get off at the stop "Drumul inter vii" and keep walking the road alongside Auchan (Calea Vitan) for another 300m.