

  Sos. Stefan cel Mare 7-9 ,   Piata Victoriei          (+4) 021 210 69 74     more than a year ago
Dinamo play most games at Dinamo Stadium, right outside Stefan cel Mare metro station (bigger games are played at the Arena Nationala). The stadium, which is below ground level, is known as Groapa - The Pit. With the pitch surrounded by a running track the low stands are a long way from the pitch and even when full there is little atmosphere here. To be honest, unless you have an aching desire to see Dinamo play at home, you are better off heading to Steaua or Rapid for your Bucharest football fix.


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Stefan cel Mare




Stadium box office: Open 10:00 - 17:00. Official store Open 10:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun.

Price/Additional Info

Tickets 10-100 lei. Season tickets 50-600 lei.


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