Sandy beaches, ice cream, table tennis - you'll find it all at Mythenquai, a large lido with all you could ask for. There's a large non-swimming area in the lake with large water toys, ball playing areas and diving boards for those who dare. Parents may be more interested in the deck chairs and sunshades that can be borrowed for free, you just leave a deposit. There is a self-service restaurant, or fixed barbecues if you prefer being the chef yourself. Get there on bus Nº 161 or Nº 165 to Sukkulentensammlung or take the ship from Bürkliplatz to Seerestaurant.
Tram stop
Open 07:00 - 20:00 (May 11 - Sept 15, 2019), weather permitting (open with every weather daily 07:00 - 11:00).