The story began in Zagreb in 2015 when the first Museum of Illusions was launched by Roko Živković and Tomislav Pamuković, two Croatian enthusiasts with mutual idea – to create the unique 21st century museum, one that everyone will love – from school groups to adults. In this short 5-year time span, the world of Illusions has made its way to almost 30 major cities around the world that opened their Museums of Illusions, all modelled after the one in Zagreb.
The Museum of Illusions will make you question reality and trick your confidence in senses. Be sure your camera is fully charged with memory space for storing many intriguing visual, sensory and educational experiences. Unlike other museums, visitors here can run, touch exhibits and take as many photos as they want. The Instagram-friendly optical illusions – including tilted rooms, specially commissioned holograms and a mirrored infinity room – are all based on science and psychology. The idea is to teach visitors about perception, vision, and the human brain. In essence, sometimes our eyes see things that our brain doesn’t understand.
Housing over 70 exhibits, the Museum consists of illusionistic rooms, holograms, optical illusions and a play-corner with didactic games and puzzles that teach visitors how optical illusions work. To give you a foretaste, here are some of the highlights:
- The Rotated Room–a place to take crazy pictures and defy gravity!
- Clone Table –unique opportunity to sit down at the table with yourself
- Head on a Platter – jump into the horror movie scene by serving your head on a tray
- The chair - did you know the size you see of a person depends on the context suggested by the objects surrounding them? Be ready to feel very teeny-weeny.
- Ames room - see your friend, partner, colleague or teacher grow or shrink right before your eyes in this quirky illusionistic room
