
Josef Sudek: Topography of ruins. Praga 1945

Mar 14 - May 5 2019       ul. Bernardyńska 7
Czech photographer Josef Sudek, known as the ‘Poet of Prague’, was drawn to desolate landscapes, simple, solitary objects and the quiet, unpopulated street scenes of Prague, a city to which he dedicated his whole life. He preferred to shoot dream-like scenes, with soft light, diffused through a foggy window or an overcast day. The current exhibition presents a nearly unknown set of photographs by the artist, who in 1945 photographed Prague’s monuments damaged during the Second World War, in particular during the air raid of 14 February 1945 and the Prague Uprising. The photographs show the changes wrought on the urban landscape by the war, and also depict various wartime protective measures. The exhibited photographs are unique within the context of Sudek’s overall body of work. Sudek’s photographic look into the inner life of the city and its monuments during the first days of peace, with its images of Prague’s citizens viewing the ruins of the historic city center, are a rare moment when his work comes close to reportage photography.



Open 11:00-17:00. Thu, Fri 12:00-19:00, Closed Mon. Mar 14 2019 - May 5 2019
Museum of Architecture
ul. Bernardyńska 7

Price/Additional Info

Admission 7/10zł


www.ma.wroc.pl www.facebook.com/MuzeumArchitektury
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