
Treblinka Museum

  Treblinka, Kosów Lacki ,   No District          (+48) 25 781 16 58     more than a year ago
Located 108km north-east of Warsaw, Treblinka extermination camp was built and administered by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II. It functioned from July 1942 - October 1943 for the purposes of Operation Reinhard, part of the Nazis' 'final solution' to exterminate Jews - the only other camp where more Jews were killed was Auschwitz. It is estimated some 800,000 Jews were killed here and 2,000 Romani people. Unlike some other preserved camps (Auschwitz, Majdanek, for example), Treblinka was largely destroyed by the Nazis as the Soviets advanced in order to cover up the evidence of what happened there.

As such, a visit to the solemn and grievous site today entails a visit to the museum building, where you'll learn the site's entire history, and then walking a 2km trail (4km round-trip) across the former site, from Treblinka II - the extermination camp, to Treblinka I - the penal camp, and finally to the large victim memorial at the end - which was erected over 3 years and unveiled in 1962. The entry fee is only 7zł and goes towards upkeep of the site and the facilities here. Although not a rule, as such, it is recommended by the museum that only those 14 years of age and older enter the museum. Staff here place a high emphasis on making sure visitors understand this is a place of memorial, therefore, the usual rules apply, with no dogs allowed, no smoking etc. 

Treblinka remains a backwater town, and as such travellers are going to struggle to reach it. Put simply, either hire a car and fire up the GPS for the approximately 90min drive, or contact a Warsaw-based tour companies, most of which will be happy to tailor a visit for you. Alternatively, taking a train from Warsaw Central Train Station to Małkinia is your only option. Once there, you need to take a taxi to the camp, which is less than 10km away.

With about a 3hr travel time round-trip, and 3 hrs spent on site, expect a trip to Treblinka from Warsaw to occupy the better part of a day.


Open 09:00-18:30.

Price/Additional Info

Admission 7zł.


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Dear Rhonda, You can e mail me this picture and i can take a look as i am skilled on the Holocaust. Regards, Martin
Rhonda Deason
Ringgold GA. USA
I have come across a stamp made of wood and brass I believe and it has this written on it with the nazi eagle and swastika Engefrmiaondor Trebliaka I can barely make out the letters I would love to send a picture to someone. I bought a collection at auction and it was just down in the box.
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