
Warsaw Services Directory


Whether a traveller or an ex-pat our directory has many useful contacts for you. Click on the left for listings. Remember to email us if you find any of our contacts particularly helpful or, for that matter, unhelpful. We also welcome new additions.

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24-hour Pharmacies

24-hour Post Office

Emergency Rooms

Private Clinics

Conference Centres

Business Associations

Citizenship Issues

Computer Repair

Consulates & Embassies

There are over 95 embassies in Warsaw. Here are some of those most relevant to our readers.

Currency Exchange

Currency exchange offices ('Kantor') are easy to find in Warsaw, but as with any international destination, it's imperative to check the rates to ensure you aren't getting fleeced. The general rule is you should never change your money at city entry points, particularly at the airport where the rates are almost criminal. The best place to exchange money, in our experience, is the underpass at Metro Centrum (under the roundabout) where there are a no. of Kantor's competing against each other, therefore, giving you a slightly better rate than you'll get in any of the tourists hotspots. Heading along the main route to the Old Town, you'll see many Kantors, but the rates are not great!


Emergency Services

If you're ever in need of urgent assistance remember it's always best to call 112. Here you will find a list of police stations around the city, should you need to find one nearest to you ASAP.

Ex-Pat Organizations


International Schools

Internet Cafes

Language Schools


Phone Repair

Post Offices

A bureaucratic nightmare buried under paperwork riddled with illegible stamps and seals, there is no indication that Poland's postal service - Poczta Polska - will be automated or computerised during our lifetimes. There can be no doubt that the post office is one of the most frustrating places to be a foreigner in Poland, as you're guaranteed to not understand a damn thing happening there. Your best ally is the person in line next to you; if there's one person in the room who speaks not a word of English, it's the qualified clerk at the service window. Also, don't expect any signs to feature English translations, though all paperwork has been mystifyingly translated into French (and only French). When you get to the head of that insufferably long queue, don't be surprised to be sent to another or back to the end, paperwork in hand. The declaration that your nicely wrapped parcel is somehow 'unacceptable' is another popular reason why you might find yourself ready to 'go postal', though there are many others.

If sending something of any monetary or sentimental value, please, make sure you do so by using priority mail or better; magic word: 'Priorytet.' Choosing the cheapest overseas option available will ensure that your package takes months to arrive and is heavily tampered with en route. We're not exaggerating.

With the exception of Central Post Office (ul. Świętokrzyska 31/33, open 24hrs) most post offices close early on Saturday, if open at all, and all will be closed Sunday. Good luck, gringo.

Real Estate

Religious Services

Relocation Companies

Translators & Interpreters

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