
Saska Kępa - Ul. Francuska

  ul. Francuska ,   Praga (the East Bank)         24 Sep 2024
Saska Kępa is one of the most desirable districts of Warsaw; with property prices staunchly high, the neighbourhood has become home to the nouveau riche, the intelligentsia and much of the capital’s art community. Now living in the shadow of the National Stadium, the sporting complex has actually played a major role in bringing sports fans, arena rock fans and other new visitors to the area. The focal point of the area is ul. Francuska, with its host of trendy bars, cafes, restaurants and mix of boutique and old-school shops - Saska Kępa is is as close as Warsaw gets to some of the ‘Little Village’ areas of London or Paris. As such it’s a great place to just wander around, people watch or marvel at the hodgepodge of architectural styles - including majestic 19th century manor houses, some superb examples of 1920s and ‘30s modernism, Cold War tower blocks and brand new ultra-modern developments.


Dworzec Wileński


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