
Punk Fest

Saturday Dec 14 16:00–00:00       ul. Fort Wola 22 (Wola)
The lineup of musicians at the Punk Festival includes such bands as Sex Bomba (SexBombs), The Bill, Włochaty (Hairy), Defloracja (Defloration), Gaga/Zielone Żabki (Green Frogs), Moskwa (Moscow), Cela Nr. 3 (Cell no. 3), Alians (Alliance) and Karcer (Hole). Come and listen to the original music that evolved from the American garage musicians of the 60's and since then had made its way to various corners of the world. Often raw, crude and political, it is still synonymous with breaking the law, the sentiment still popular in Poland, the country of rebels.  




Dec 14 2019 16:00–00:00
Progresja Music Zone
ul. Fort Wola 22 (Wola)

Price/Additional Info

Tickets 70-90zł


progresja.com/ www.facebook.com/events/366148130640334/
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