Sharing none of the pretence of nearby ul. Francuska, this great café, social club, pizza parlor and fire station (crazy, but true!) is by far one of the jolliest places in Saska. OSP attracts a variety of customers; off duty firemen, locals, arty types, kids playing in the play area and a very happy little Jack Russell terrier. Tasty, cheap home cooked Italian influenced dishes and pizzas plus a good range of difficult to find beers - think 25 regional brews from around Poland and Czech Republic. Don't forget to try on the collection of firemen's helmets and hats after a few beers.
OSP Saska Kępa
Facilities for disabled
Outside seating
Stadion NarodowyOpen
Open 13:00-22:00. Mon, Sun 13:00-21:00, Sat 13:00-22:30.