
Lipiec | July in Poland

more than a year ago

The month of Lipiec takes its name from Lipa, the Polish word for the European variety of the genus Tilia, or, in common English, 'Linden'. Trees of this variety can be found all over Poland, and start to come into bloom at this time of the year - hence the name of the month.

But why is Lipa so important? It's because Linden flowers were (and still are) used to prepare natural remedies in the form of tea and syrup. Even better is to get your hands on a pot of Miód Lipowy (ENG: Linden Honey). Lipa provides support to both the immunity and nervous system, providing health benefits with a calming effect on the side. In the days before modern medicine, stocking up on blooming linden would have been essential preparation for the winter months, especially when dealing with ailments such as the common cold!

The month name Lipiec comes from the blooming of lipa (ENG: genus Tilia), known commonly as 'Linden'.

Lipiec is also Poland's hottest month, with Poles engaging in various activities to keep the temperature down and the good times rolling. Down on the sandy banks and beaches of waterways across Poland, people stake out their lot with a heshen wall. We don't know when it first happened, and we certainly don't know why, but the parawan, as it's called, is considered to be a uniquely Polish phenomenon, even if it was actually invented elsewhere in Northern Europe.

There are also other signs of life that can be witnessed around Poland in Lipiec. Most notable is the seasonal migration of bociany (ENG: Storks), who travel specifically to Poland for some summer R&R. Now, this bird has some taste! Building their nests high up on a variety of prominent locations across the country, the Polish summer has synonymous with bociany, and it's considered good luck to have one nest near your home. And it's in Lipiec when you finally see the young and unseasoned bociany first begin spread their wings and prepare to 'fly the coop'. Don't worry, they'll be back next year, and quite possibly in the same location!

Storks (PL: bociany) migrate en masse to Poland in the summer time. Photo by Charles03.

Check out other months in the Polish Calendar Year!

Styczeń (January)
Luty (February)
Marzec (March)
Kwiecień (April)
Maj (May)
Czerwiec (June)
Lipiec (July)
Sierpień (August)
Wrzesień (September)
Październik (October)
Listopad (November)
Grudzień (December)


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