One of the newest spaces to pop up on the gastronomic map of Warsaw, Let’s Nibble lives by the mantra of ‘sharing is caring’ and, on that note, many passers-by may be given the impression that this is just another ‘casual’ tapas affair. Whilst the atmosphere out on the floor is one of comfort and sociability (the kind you would expect to find at any good restaurant), behind the scenes is where the game faces are on and the chef’s team are hard at work achieving some incredible gastronomic feats. What you find on the menu is a combination of comfort food, created from unique products, graced with wine culture, and a very non-standard approach to classic flavors. Have you ever had a hot dog made from eel? How about kale chips with a chive dip? Or perhaps a herring taco? The international wine list is also complemented by menu section curated especially for discerning drinkers. Let’s Nibble is one of the many fabulous gastronomic offers located in the revitalised industrial space of Fabryka Norblina!