
Graphics Flower Shop featuring Nymphs

May 15 - Jun 30 2018       ul. Smulikowskiego 6/8
Screen printing was first used in China during the 10th century. It was not introduced to Europeans until the late 18th century. During the early 1900s it became a cost effective and versatile method of printing. Since those times it has become synonymous with underground movements and subcultures thanks to the ease of use and access to materials. If you ever bought a concert t-shirt, you probably purchased one made by this method. Polish artist Maurycy Gomulicki has taken this method of printing and combined it with his love affair with all things feminine. His depictions of women range from modest to the more vulgar and taboo. In his own words “I hope this indecent, cosy exhibition causes some smiles and makes you blush. Viva Spring!”



May 15 2018 - Jun 30 2018
Kwiaciarnia Grafiki
ul. Smulikowskiego 6/8

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