
EUREKA, Look What I Found!

Sep 19 - May 30 2021       ul. Kredytowa 1
EUREKA, czyli odkrywam! (ENG: EUREKA, Look What I Found!) is inspired by the observation of a child's admiration for everyday life. Its creators have come to the conclusion that the natural curiosity of children is similar to the thought process of great philosophers - having an understanding of the world by asking questions and searching for the answers. It is this curiosity that should be encouraged at an early age and, furthermore, has informed the development of works specifically for this exhibit. What is existence and what does it mean 'to be'? What are ethics and what determines good and evil? The exhibition also discusses issues related to building relationships, understanding the senses, being mindful of the needs of others. Presenting works by contemporary visual artists Natalia Bażowska, Bartek Buczek, Karolina Grzywnowicz, Justyna Mędrala, Krzysztof Maniak and Magda Żmijowska, these works encourage the audience to interact, act, or reflect. Every instance will be subject to a commentary close to the thoughts of Aristotle, Descartes, John Locke and Ludwig Wittgenstein and an infinite number of interpretations by viewers. Philosophy is, ultimately, our guide in the world of art.



Open 11:00-19:00. Thu 11:00-17:00, Sat, Sun 12:00-18:00, Closed Mon. Sep 19 2020 - May 30 2021

Price/Additional Info

Admission 6/1zł, students up to 7 years of age 1zł, Thu free.


ethnomuseum.pl www.facebook.com/events/683836475674554
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