Due to COVID-19 restrictions, opening hours have been restricted. Coś Słodkiego encourages customers to make internet orders.
Having already run a successful online store for the past few years, the guys at Coś Słodkiego (ENG: Something Sweet) have bitten the jelly bullet and set up shop in the Muranów district of the city. A whole host of sweet and savoury US imported goodies line the shelves in this slick and modern looking candy store. All the old favourites - including Hershey bars, Reese's peanut butter cups, Life Savers, American potato chips - are available and guaranteed to turn grown-up American ex-pats and locals alike into giggling kids. For the guilt-ridden, there are also sugar-free treats! Try Bean Boozled with flavours ranging from spoiled milk to dead fish! Yummy.
Coś Słodkiego
Open 11:00 - 19:00, Sat 11:00 - 17:00. Closed Sun.