When people think of Poland, the world often pictures a grey communist bloc country, bad weather and black and white cinematic images of WWII. Yes, the 20th century was a cruel and often tragic time in Poland, and the winters can be beastly, but it's not always so gloomy. When summer hits Poland in late June every year, the country comes alive like any other place in Europe - locals flock outdoors, beer garden umbrellas bloom outside all the cafes, street performers appear in the public squares of major cities and there seems to be an intoxicating buzz in the air. While the warm weather brings out many of the things we love most about living in Poland, a lot of cultural eccentricities also appear. Read on or watch our video for 10 telltale signs that it is indeed summer in Poland.
1. Wianki - Flower Garlands let loose!
If you've ever visited Poland, you'll know they have a bit of a preoccupation with flowers. It's the dominant motif on most of their folk patterns, a furnishing in every business and home and something you won't find a plastic alternative of, unlike elsewhere in the world. But it's summertime when flowers really come into full force. Look towards the balconies and windows of homes and the landscaping in your local city and that's a good start. Traditionally, the start of summer is marked by Wianki (ENG: wreath) a pagan celebration that ultra-catholic Poland is yet to shake off. In Kraków, you can watch large floral flotillas being set-off into the Vistula near Wawel mound and up in Gdańsk and Gdynia, Cuda Wianki is accompanied by big parties, concerts and other beach-located events. A wianki also refers to the flower garland symbolising blooming youth, vitality and virginity. Traditionally, it is worn by young girls and unmarried women, though these cultural restrictions are virtually non-existent now. Garland-making takes place all over the country and colourful young women can be seen out in public with a fresh-headpiece! Outside of summertime, it is not uncommon to see these as a part of formal attire for women or as part of a bridal dress.
Polish witches emerging from a lake wearing wianki (ENG: Flower Garlands)
2. Strawberries
For the majority of the year, berries and other small fruits have been sweetening in the cold climate of central Poland. By the time summer comes around, everything is ripe and ready to sell! And one fruit above all others dominates the market - Strawberries. You can get them everywhere - every supermarket, grocery shop, street corner and even in dark unsuspecting alleys of your polish city. On a further point, Polish Babcias go crazy with cooking Strawberry Pierogi as a dessert treat. Skip Breakfast and Lunch!
A handful of freshly-picked Polish strawberries - the fruit of Summer!
3. Ogórki Małosolne
There are lots of cold dishes that are whipped up in summer, but none are a real hit like Ogórki Małosolne. The expression 'Cool As a Cucumber' is very relevant in the Polish summer, however if it's not picked in salt there's something wrong with yours. It's ironic that something so salty could be so popular in hot weather, but then again - this is Poland.
Don't be scared... they're only cucumbers! Photo by Marcin Floryan.
4. Sunbathers on the Vistula
You don't have to live on the Baltic coast in order to sunbathe! The Vistula is the next best thing to the seaside and you will see plenty of locals stripped down on riverbanks all over Poland around this time of year. The Vistula around Warsaw deserves a special mention here: ample amounts of sandy flats and considerably less wind than the baltic, which makes it a reasonable compromise!
Sunbathers on the banks of the Vistula in Kraków!
5. Ice Cream shops on every corner and stupidly long lines...
Anyone living in Poland knows that a stop by the ice-cream shop on the weekend is obligatory. Naturally, in summer, this is very popular and patience in queueing (a national past-time) makes it all worthwhile in the end. If you want to try a distinctly polish ice cream, look no further than the Truskawkowy (ENG: Strawberry) flavour that is, of course, in season! Aside from ice cream, Poles are also mad about gofry (ENG: waffles)!
Wrocław Gnome enjoying ice cream!
6. Storks come home to roost!
We know that the national symbol of Poland is the white eagle, but did you know that a third of the Europe's stork population ends up in Poland during the summer? We won't criticise their choice, as we love spending summer in Poland too! Poles still see storks as a sign of good luck, especially if they nest near your home. They've been alleged to offset lighting strikes! The stork capital of Poland is a town called Żywkowo on the Polish/Russian border. Population: 150 (120 storks, 30 humans).
Storks: The highest summer tourist demographic in Poland after Germans and Scandinavians!
7. Radler, Shandy & Spiked Lemonade
In the English-speaking world, this is most often referred to as a shandy - a drink comprised approximately of half-beer / half-lemonade. In Central Europe, this is known as Radler, which comes from a southern-German brand called Radlermass (ENG: Cyclist Litre) first produced in 1922. Preceding the market explosion of 0.0% alcohol beers in Poland, a radler was a way of assuring that you didn't blow over, especially if you're on a bicycle! Naturally, cold beers and ciders are more popular in the summer as opposed to vodka and other spirits, which are very effective at keeping you warm in the cold of winter.
Dutch brewery Bavaria and their line of radler, are one of the most popular light-beer brands in Poland!
8. Kiebasa and One-use Grill Sets in all the shops!
To top-off the DIY aspects of summer outdoor activities, no picnic would be complete with a Zestaw Grillowy (ENG: Grill Set) and a pack of Kiełbaski (ENG: sausages). Of course, we could just make sandwiches beforehand, but dad says NO, I never eat cold sausages! These grill sets are, essentially, foil trays (much like you would find when you buy lasagne from the supermarket) plus a chicken-wire grill and coal stones inside. All you need is a cigarette lighter or matches...
Single-use grill sets and kiełbaski (ENG: sausages). Ideal for a beach or forest picnic!
9. Socks and Sandals
We see this uncanny summer fashion statement all over the world, but none do it quite like Poland. The motivation behind wearing socks and sandals is unclear. Our theory is that Poles never quite got used to wearing sandals, therefore the socks are some sort of a compromise. For those hitting the Baltic Coast in the summer, socks are a great way of keeping sand off your feet.
Socks and Sandals - a faux pas in most parts of the world, though still a frequent sight in Poland!
10. Paravans
Socks and Sandals are particularly phenomenal, but the paravan easily takes first place as a uniquely Polish summer phenomenon. The heshen holiday wall makes its most frequent appearances on the Baltic coast, however, you can also spot it on the banks of the Vistula, in parks and even at multi-day music festivals. Poles are a fiercely independent people and this mentality extends into everyday life, including a trip to the beach. In times of pandemic and the emphasis on social distancing, the paravan is in full force like never before. We're even seeing paravans popping up elsewhere in Europe. After pierogi and vodka, the paravan may be the 3rd wonder of the Polish world.
When a paravan situation starts getting out of hand... Photo by Lazyqwe.