The Kumu Art Museum stands as one of Estonia's largest exhibition spaces, showcasing Estonian art from the 18th century to the present day. From the Academic Style to Modernism, from Soviet Pop Art to contemporary works, the museum offers a comprehensive journey through various artistic movements. Adding to its allure, the captivating architecture of the building, designed by the renowned Finnish architect Pekka Vapaavuori, is a remarkable attraction in its own right.
Current and upcoming exhibitions:
Permanent exhibition: Landscapes of Identity: Estonian Art 1700–1945
Permanent exhibition: Conflicts and Adaptations. Estonian Art of the Soviet Era (1940–1991)
Permanent exhibition: The Future is in One Hour: Estonian Art in the 1990s
December 6, 2024 – April 13, 2025 Enn Põldroos: Museum of Obsessions
Kumu Art Museum
City card
Open 10:00 - 18:00. Thu 10:00 - 20:00, Closed Mon.
Price/Additional Info
Admission €14, reduced €9, family €28. Joint tickets to all branches of the Art Museum of Estonia available.Associated Venues
This 13th century Gothic church, now an affiliate of the Estonian Art Museum, houses a fascinating collection of medieval art and is home to Tallinn's most famous work of art, a wall-sized fragment of Bernt Notke's spooky, 15th-century masterpiece