Sofia these days offers everything that any place has to offer in shopping terms. With countless shopping malls, each subsequent one larger than the last, an outlet centre, central shopping streets and plenty of supermarkets - primarily German - one no longer needs to leave the country for a shopping fix.
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- Art
- Bookshops in Sofia
- Fashion
- Gifts and Souvenirs
- Markets in Sofia
- Organic or Bio Shops in Sofia
- Shopping Malls in Sofia
- Shopping Streets in Sofia
- Specialist Food Shops in Sofia
- Sports Gear
There are many small private art galleries in Sofia, showcasing a wide range of artistic styles, techniques and mediums.We list some of our favourites here.
Bookshops in Sofia
Gifts and Souvenirs
Traditional souvenirs from Bulgaria range from the ubiquitous vials of (foul smelling) rose oil, via hand-painted icons and local pottery, to silver filigree jewellery. All of this and much more can be found at souvenir shops close to the tourist attractions: Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and in the underpass between the Presidency and Council of Ministers.If you want something a little more individual there are now many craft shops selling charming toys from felt (pictured) or unique items by local artists that are no more expensive than the mass-produced souvenirs. It is also worth keeping a lookout for the many hand-made fairs that appear at regular intervals around town. They offer original gifts and souvenirs from Bulgaria.
- Alexander Nevsky Flea Market
- Beeswax Wraps BeeCome Green
- Craft Shop
- Gifted
- Hand Made Art Shop
- Kasiopeya jewellery
- Kushe
- Magazin Ptitsa
- Punto Art Bazaar
- Refan shops
- Rose of Bulgaria / Biofresh
- Rosey's mark
- Shtrak
Markets in Sofia
Use the markets for fresh produce if you are self-catering but also as an insight into the nation's habits. Each market has its own traditions and character, some being quite upmarket and selling exotic fruits and veg, others almost oriental in character.Organic or Bio Shops in Sofia
Most of the upmarket supermarkets now have sections promoting 'healthier living' including local and international organic products. These places listed here will give you a broader spectrum of choice, many work with online orders.Shopping Malls in Sofia
With 8 malls and counting one could say Sofia is oversupplied. Several are now located close to underground stops (Mall of Sofia, Park Centre and Paradise) - for others you will need a car or go by bus. In general all malls have a good mix of international and local brand names, most have decent restaurants and a supermarket and some have cinemas, bowling alleys and other entertainment options. All offer reprieve from extreme weather summer and winter alike without ever being too busy (except for Black Friday and leading up to Christmas.- Bulgaria Mall
- Mall of Sofia
- Paradise Centre
- Park Center Sofia
- Serdika Centre
- Sofia Outlet Centre
- Sofia Ring Mall
- The Mall
- TZUM Retail Centre
Shopping Streets in Sofia
With so many malls trying to take shoppers away from the city centre, Sofia's central streets are filling up with small, craft shops, local designers, cafes and bars and offer something a bit different to the shopper. Some of our favourites are listed here.Please support small local businesses.Specialist Food Shops in Sofia
Sofia has only a few speciality food shops, most having bowed to pressure from the hypermarkets, which have even started to open smaller city centre shops. What remains are the chocolate shops, usually foreign brands, a few speciality cheese shops and two speciality Italian foodshops in the city centre. Health food shops have also found their niche, as have fresh fish shops.- Apollowine
- Chilli Hills Farm Shop
- Cotes du Rhone
- Dobrev Cheese Shop
- Jeff de Bruges
- Jovan Dutch Bakery
- Sokoni
- ViVenda Fine Butchery