Nowadays each city council licences local taxi companies and imposes minimum and maximum day and night time fares, which have to be posted clearly in the side and front window. This was introduced some years ago to combat those clever sods who posted taxi fares ten times the normal going rate, obscuring the decimal point so it wasn't till you came to pay you realised you had been legally cheated. Besides that the driver's details, including a photo and his number, have to be posted on the dashboard, enabling you to make a complaint if you are unhappy.Issues
Smoking can still be a problem although less so with the more reputable companies listed below. Even though smoking in public places was banned several years ago, many taxi drivers still smoke in their cars and may not put the fag out until you ask. Other issues can include loud music, a dirty car, missing seatbelts in the back and no room in the boot for your suitcase.You may still come across some or all of the above problems but at least you shouldn't get ripped off.
OK Supertrans: www. oktaxi.net, tel: + 359 2 973 2121
Yes Yellow: www.yellow333.com, tel: +359 2 91119
Green Taxi (hybrid cars): www.greentaxi.bg, tel: +359 2 810 810
Only Yes Yellow is currently authorised ( as of July 2023) to offer taxi services at Sofia airport ranks and has offices at both terminals where you can book your taxi.but there is still a problem with kerb crawlers picking up unsuspecting tourists. Do make sure you get into a proper licensced taxi or arrange a pick up in advance from any of the above listed companies. The journey to the centre in a taxi costs around 15 - 20 leva.

TaxiMe App
This App works with a variety of drivers from different companies and is available in English as well as Bulgarian. You select your destination and are assigned a driver. You can see the car approach on the screen, with the driver’s name and license plate displayed for extra security. Since you are shown the cost in advance it is less likely that you will be overcharged.
Other taxi apps to try are: TaxiMaxim, TaxiStar and YellowTaxi.