If you’d rather just have something strange to enjoy with your beer, there are two enjoyable options to recommend. Utopenci translates to drowning man and is a short fat sausage that has been drowning in oil, vinegar and spices for an unknown period of time. It’s served with chopped onions and bread. For vegetarians, you have the joy of trying nakládaný hermelín. This is a camembert-like soft cheese pickled in, you guessed it, oil, garlic, peppers and spices. It too is served with onions and bread. You can try both of these with a draft Pilsner beer at Hybernia.

There are a number of restaurants serving ‘modern Czech cuisine.’ This typically means better cuts of meat and little untraditional surprises like a vegetable or unusual herb. A focus on local suppliers and seasonal offerings has also brought today’s Czech menu into, if not today, at least the early 2000s. Nota Bene and La Degustation both experiment successfully.
A couple notes on ordering. When staff bring you a menu they will often immediately ask you what you want to drink. If you know, great, if not, say you want to look at the menu. Sides don’t typically come with most dishes. You’ll need to order your main, plus (usually) your choice of potato which can be found in the přílohy (side dishes) section of the menu. Most dishes have a typical side that goes with them (i.e. smažený sýr and chips). Ask your server which combination goes best. When it comes time to pay, the server will bring your bill and wait for you to pay it immediately. Don’t leave your tip on the table, give it to the server when you pay.

bez masa | without meat |
biftek | beefsteak |
brambor | potato |
domácí | home made |
dušené | steamed |
grilované | grilled |
guláš | goulash, the Czech staple |
hermelín | Camembert, often pickled with garlic and eaten with beer |
hovězí | beef |
hranolky | chips/French fries |
jehně | lamb |
jídelní lístek | food menu |
jídlo | food |
knedlíky | dumplings |
kuře | chicken |
losos | salmon |
na roštu | roasted |
nápojový lístek | drinks menu |
niva | blue cheese |
oběd | lunch |
řízek | schnitzel |
ovoce | fruit |
palačinky | crepes |
pečené | baked |
pivní sýr | beer cheese, hard, served with paprika, onion and beer |
plněné | stuffed |
přílohy | side dishes |
polévka | soup |
pstruh | trout |
ryba | fish |
rýže | rice |
sekaná | meatloaf; looks awful, tastes good |
slanina | bacon |
smažené | fried |
smažený sýr | fried cheese, surprisingly good |
snídaně | breakfast |
svíčková | beef in cream sauce |
sýr | cheese |
špíz | grilled and skewered |
šunka | ham |
těstoviny | pasta |
utopenec | a.k.a. drowned man, pickled sausage, eaten with beer |
uzené | smoked |
vařené | boiled |
večeře | dinner |
vepřové | pork |
vepřové koleno | pork knuckle, particularly caniverous |
vinný lístek | wine list |
zelenina | vegetables |