Good Asian food is actually something we've grown to expect from Poznań, and this trendy hole-in-the-wall churning out authentic Korean cuisine - made by Korean transplant Min herself - goes beyond those expectations. The first place in Poznań to specialise in bibimbap - yummy rice bowls loaded with fresh Asian ingredients meant to be mixed together, Min offers several meaty and vegetarian variations of this quickly served dish that makes for a healthy and hearty lunch. That would be enough to make us regular customers, but there's more to enjoy at Min's Table, including main dishes of yuzu pork or tofu, guk (hot soups), tteokbokki (stir-fried rice cakes), kimchi (fermented veggies) and imported Korean drinks. And if that's not enough for you, or your Korean food craving is for fried chicken, head directly next door to Min's sister eatery, Kimchiken; you won't regret it.