With almost 190,000 residents, Rzeszów is Podkarpackie’s largest ‘city,’ as well as the region’s administrative, economic and cultural hub. Despite its stature as Podkarpackie's 'capital,' however, Rzeszów still retains a small-town charm thanks to a compact and highly walkable city centre. The city’s pedestrianised high street (ul. 3 Maja) stretches about 1km between the Town Square (Rynek) - which includes both a glorious Town Hall and quaint wooden well, to the grand Lubomirski Castle - a 17th-century fortress surrounded by greenery. In between are several gorgeous townhouses and villas - including the Lubomirski Summer Palace, as well as historic churches, museums and many cafes, bars and restaurants with outdoor seating. Bookending this route through the historical centre of Rzeszów are a unique pedestrian footbridge (illuminated at night), and one of the largest and most modern multimedia fountains in Europe. The boulevards and green spaces along the Wisłok River just south of Lubomirski Castle are also perfect for strolling or cycling.
The former Piarist Monastery on 3-Maja: Rzeszów's pedestrian high street.
In terms of history and culture, the Rzeszów Underground Tourist Route takes visitors through a maze of medieval cellars and tunnels underneath the Town Square that once served as storage spaces, wartime shelters, and escape routes; the imposing Regional Museum - inside a former 17th-century Piarist Monastery - is home to an impressive collection of art and artefacts; and, finally, the Museum of Bedtime Cartoons (Muzeum Dobranocek) pays loving tribute to the Polish children’s programmes of the PRL era. A mix of historical intrigue, cultural attractions and modern amenities, Rzeszów is an excellent and very comfortable base for exploring the many other attractions around Podkarpackie.