The Sergiev Posad region is where the first Russian dolls (martioshkas) were made and for decades they have continued to be manufactured at the town’s small factory. This museum focuses on toys in general with late 19th Century European and Japanese dolls displayed as well as Russian toys from over the last century. If you are only interested in seeing matrioshkas and other traditional Russian favourites you may be better off heading to the Konny Dvor museum, which costs a fraction of the price and has an equally nice - if not superior, selection of finely crafted Russian wooden and ceramic dolls and figurines.
Open 10:00 - 17:00. Closed Mon, Tue.
Closed last Friday of the month
Price/Additional Info
Admission 100 - 300Rbl. Guided tours up to 15 people 400-600Rbl per group.