
Fundacja DOBROdzieje się

  ul. Piotrkowska 80      (+48) 501 02 00 08     more than a year ago
Using an awesome Polish wordplay that can be translated equally as 'Good Happenings' and 'Benefactors', Fundacja DOBROdzieje się is a foundation assisting children in institutional care. Based in Łódź and closely associated with the city's Municipal Social Welfare Center, Fundacja DOBROdzieje się operates on the idea that sharing good and being proactive in support for less-fortunate individuals is a unique power that is equally as rewarding and empowering to all involved. Furthermore, by individuals giving a bit of themselves and contributing to this amazing initiative, they ultimately become part of the base for children who have been rescued from negligent and/or abusive environments. 
Cooking together with Fundacja DOBROdzieje się!
Individuals who share this idea can contribute to the foundation in numerous ways. They can share their time and knowledge, and help children learn to read, write, solving mathematical problems, or even something more linguistic that younger minds always seem to have a knack for! Skills relating to life passions, such as the ability to cook, take amazing photos, draw, and perform magic, are all priceless gifts in the eyes of Fundacja DOBROdzieje się, because sharing these skills with genuine fervour is wholesome and constructive fun that can bring light to the darkness of a child's life.
Holiday fun with Fundacja DOBROdzieje się!
There is also an ecological mindset in the foundations operations. People can also share their home 'excesses' and join the "zero waste" project. Fulfilling the needs of orphanages and foster families, the 'Warehouse of Kindness' has allowed for an exchange office to receive clothes, books, furniture, and other needed items. As one can very easily understand, a child taken away from their parents comes to foster care with nothing, sometimes with only the clothes on their back and a beloved teddy bear close to their chest. Fundacja DOBROdzieje się wants to provide these little creatures with the very best that society can offer, because even parting with the cruelest of parents is very difficult.
Learning coding and other problem solving with Fundacja DOBROdzieje się!
It is also possible for individuals to assist in financing specialist examinations so that a child who goes to foster care without a known health record has a chance for immediate diagnosis, instead of waiting weeks for an appointment within Poland's national health system. Finally, Fundacja DOBROdzieje się is open to assisting individuals with benevolent ideas in the implementation of their project. On that note, you are always invited to drop in and have a meeting over some delicious cake.!

How to get involved with Fundacja DOBROdzieje się?

Visit the Fundacja DOBROdzieje się website for more details.
You can get in touch with the foundation via email - kontakt@fundacjadobrodzieje.pl.
Alternatively, you can transfer a donation to the following details:
   KRS 0000847857
   NIP 9820383542 | REGON 386414930
   NR RACHUNKU 74114020040000350280179891


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