
What is Łódź In Your Pocket?

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Lodz In Your Pocket is the best guide to Łódź and the surrounding region on the market. Written in a witty, impartial and informative style, here you'll find almost limitless amounts of info on what to see and do while in town, plus all the history and cultural background you could possibly wish for. Best of all, the information we give here is meticulously updated every four months so that it is as current and accurate as we can possibly make it.

Even more importantly, the editorial content of In Your Pocket guides is completely subjective and independent of paid-for editorial or sponsored listings. Contrary to whatever you might think, IYP writers do not accept free meals, sexual favours, first-born children or other bribes in return for favourable reviews, and we reserve the right to say whatever we damn well please about the venues listed in our guides, regardless of disagreement from partner clients, restaurant owners or the general public.

Our researchers and editors also do everything in their power to ensure and maintain the accuracy of the information divested here; hat said, it’s a tall order, and IYP assumes no responsibility for errors, American spellings, poor service, surly doormen, unexpected pregnancies, disappointing food or terrible hangovers experienced by our readers.


For more info on what we do and all we offer, visit our company website: iyp.com.pl
For sales offers and inquiries, contact Bartosz Matyjas: (+48) 784 966 824
Cyber-snail mail us with any inquiry by writing direct to poland (at) inyourpocket.com.

Łódź In Your Pocket is available in several formats across multiple platforms:


Current editions of our full print guide can be ordered from our online shop, or picked up in person at most tourist information offices and hotel reception desks in Łódź.


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