
Three Kings Day Parade in Katowice

Monday Jan 6 13:30–16:00       ul. Plebiscytowa 49A
The holiday of Three Kings or Trzech Króli (January 6) marks the end of the Christmas season in impressive style throughout Poland. A wholly Catholic holiday, 3 Kings honours Kaspar, Melchior and Balthazar, the three wise men who visited Jesus at his birth. Celebrations range from small to grand but often include a colourful parade welcoming the wise men, with costumed characters passing out candy and children dressed in colours signifying Asia, Africa and Europe (the respective homelands of the wise men).

After a compulsory mass, Katowice's Three Kings Day procession sets off from Christ the King Cathedral at 13:30 and heads straight downhill to the Rynek area. The day is a national holiday, so don't be surprised to find many businesses - particularly shops and services - closed for the day.



Jan 6 2025 13:30–16:00
Christ the King Cathedral
ul. Plebiscytowa 49A

Price/Additional Info

Admission free


www.orszak.org www.facebook.com/Orszak.Trzech.Kroli?ref=hl
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