
Katowice Train Station

Around 1,400 workers and subcontractors toiled almost around the clock for two years to transform what was formerly one of the biggest eyesores in Poland into a serious sight for sore eyes. The exposed concrete, glass and steel of Katowice’s new train station melds perfectly with the city’s history and image, and the facility is now fully equipped with the utmost in modern conveniences including over 50 new cafes, bars, restaurants and shops, plus a totally revamped ticket and timetable window. With a total investment estimated at 240 million euros, the new station welcomes 12 million passengers per year with 520 trains running through it every 24 hours. The station also incorporates an enormous and modern shopping mall (Galeria Katowicka) and an underground parking lot, with additional shopping and entertainment venues on Szewczyk Square. The regional bus station under the station is already operational so if you are travelling somewhere in Silesia beyond Katowice, or on your way to the airport, head down one of the escalators in the main train terminal to grab a bus.

Besides the bevvy of modern conveniences and prestige the new station brings, perhaps the greatest advantage is its location and full integration as a local, national and international transport hub. There are direct trains from Katowice to Kraków. Departure times: 2:09, 3:38, 4:37, 5:24, 5:51, 8:08, 8:14, 10:26, 11:25, 12:56, 13:40, 14:18, 15:54, 16:15, 16:46, 18:19, 20:09, 21:26 (check their site in case of change to timetable). The average journey time is between 2:05 - 2:15. It is also possible to travel between the cities of the Silesian Metropolis by local train (Koleje Śląskie) from around 5am-midnight; the trip to Zabrze is about 20 minutes, to Gliwice 30 minutes. Station departure boards (odjazdy) are indicated by their yellow timetables while arrivals (przyjazdy) are white. The ticket offices for Intercity Trains are open 24hrs and for Koleje Śląskie 05:00 - 21:30. For connections to other destinations in Poland or abroad, check the website or call the infoline.



Open 24hrs. Note that due to system maintenance seat reservations cannot be made from 24:00 to 01:00.


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Nothing says 'I've integrated well' more than asking "a bunch of Navvies" if they speak English. I doff my top hat to you, Peter Wilson

@Peter Wilson Are you handicapped? Your descritpion is so chaotic it seems 'Alice in Wonderland' is a poor story comparing to this. Are you sure you moved from your bed in Kent?
Peter Wilson

Well i got lost walking to the station, ended up walking down the railway siding, asked a bunch of Navvies working on the line "Do you speak English?" one said yes and then directed me about 3km in wrong direction, but somehow by miricle found station. Just had enough time to buy ticket and get to other platform to get train, but no way the ticket woman was going to rush she went like a giant sloath, then i got my ticket raced out like with sweat pouring off me onto platform to be directed in wrong direction by the not helpful railway staff, who seemed to be amused. But it was OK because Solidarity (Remember the anti-communists) well they went on strike because guess what Capitalism just was not working out the way they liked it, all getting laid off ha ha ha ;) they deserve it the bastards!. Ended up with another 3 days in Hell sleeping at friends family home as was no reasonable flight until the weekend. Got ripped off from arrival to departure, had fight with friends ex husband went to Police stations to file reports, had to pay for broken chalet window that drunken stoned Polish coalminer broke, only good thing was Polish women are the best so Hate the place Love the women. And people moan about Russians, hell they are far more helpful. But if you want adventure, danger, and great sex its the place to go. Happy hunting comrades.
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