
COP24 2018 - UN Climate Change Conference

more than a year ago

The UN climate summits, COP (Conference of the Parties) are global conferences, during which climate policy is negotiated, and now Katowice hosted the 24th meeting between 3-14 December 2018. This was not Poland's 1st time holding the event, having previously hosted in Poznań 2008 and in Warsaw 2013. In April 2017, UN technical mission delegates, while visiting the capital of Upper Silesia, appreciated the city’s excellent preparation for the event, including its infrastructure. 

2018's summit included: the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24), Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 14) and the Conference of Signatories to the Paris Agreement (CMA 1). Around 20 thousand people from 190 countries took part in the event, including politicians, representatives of non-governmental organisations, the scientific community and business sector.

Other than the focal point of COP24 being the cultural zone, there are other places connected to the conference worth visiting. The main market square (Rynek) hosted the Dobry Klimat (Good Atmosphere) ecology tent in which people could watch lectures, take part in workshops and meet a host of interesting people! A family orientated Ekoeksperymentarium on the market square at the intersection of ul. Pocztowa/ul. Młyńska was temporarily setup to allow people to learn about simple steps you can take in your daily life to lessen your impact on the environment. To find out more, visit COP24.KATOWICE.EU.


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