
JoburgPlaces Thunder Walker Origins Walking Tour

Friday Dec 27 09:00–13:00    
Join local inner-city walking tour guides JoburgPlaces for a stroll through Joburg's history exploring some of the City Centre's most prominent historic landmarks. The tour starts at the Thunder Walker, a beautiful heritage building with a grand Edwardian walk-through arcade on Gandhi Square that is a hub for JoburgPlaces variety of unique dining experiences. The building dates back to 1904 and was once a bank and during the visit you'll get to see the old bank vaults in the basement.

The guided walk then heads off to discover other unusual heritage buildings such as His Majesty’s as well as signifcant public spaces like the historic Oppenheimer Park, tracing the city's colourful story from its gold-rush inception to its current-day regeneration.

To book, email or send a Whatsapp to +27 82 894 5216.


Dec 13 2019 09:00–13:00
Dec 20 2019 09:00–13:00
Dec 27 2019 09:00–13:00

Price/Additional Info

Tickets cost R400

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