
Museum of Amber

  ul. Wielkie Młyny 16, Gdańsk ,   Old Town          (+48) 58 573 31 28     21 Mar 2025

Previously housed in Gdańsk’s medieval Foregate building, the Amber Museum of Gdańsk opened to the public in 2021 in Wielki Młyn (The Grand Mill) and brought this natural phenomenon and unique industry into the 21st century!

A chess set carved from amber, produced by Gdańsk artisan Michael Redlin in the late 17th-century.
These are some of the many artistic displays that can be seen at the Amber Museum in Gdańsk.
This museum - a branch of the Museum of Gdańsk - extensively covers into the history of Baltic amber, which has earned Gdańsk the title: capital of Amber. It shows off a state-of-the-art multimedia exhibition, that takes you on a voyage to discover the unusual history of amber, followed by a multitude of exhibits, where you're able to get up close and personal with amber from all over the world. The impressive collection of “inclusions” (when bugs or plants are caught inside the amber) is intriguing to look at, and the many amber creations, from inkwells to spoons to a stunning Fender Stratocaster guitar, shows the material’s diversity.
Interactive displays at the Amber Museum in Gdańsk.

There are also a number of masterpieces by the old masters of Gdańsk, plus a collection of modern artworks and jewellery. Here, you will find uniquely-developed exhibits, arranged on two floors, accompanied by immersive multimedia installations, and artistic arrangements of each topical section. A large open room at the top of the building houses an impressive array of modern amber jewellery that appears more artistic than wearable.
Average visiting time: 2hrs.
Modern and historic jewellery and artistic pieces at the Amber Museum in Gdańsk.

For more on what to see here, read our article: Amber Museum in Gdańsk.


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Closed Tue.
Open hours vary - Check website for details.

Price/Additional Info

35/25zł. Mon free.

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I was very disappointed. The building is cramped and groups of school children on the narrow stairs make it most uncomfortable. The collection much smaller than expected and is displayed in a way that is neither visually appealing nor scientifically illuminating with specimen labeling that is very poor and unhelpful. A great pity as the museum does not do the collection justice

According to Simo, Statocatser was amazing. I was impressed by its size!Many floors full of interesting amber pieces. We were lucky to visit on tuesday,entrance was free! Torture museum was frightening, I couldn´t even take the picture!

The best museum I have ever visited! The amber pieces were incredible! Especially the Fedner Starocatrer was worth seeing!! About the torture museum: Susana is right. I think it's gruesome too.

I think it's gruesome
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