Nicolae Ceausescu (1918-89) and his wife Elena (1921-89) are buried at Ghencea Cemetery, on B-dul Ghencea. Their son Nicu (1951-96) is also buried here. Apart from curious tourists, if you pay a visit you'll also find groups of the old faithful placing flowers on the grave, misguidedly convinced that life was better before 1989 than after: large numbers of pensioners gather here on January 26th: the evil dictator's birthday. The grave itself is on the left side of the central alley, in the last plot just before the little church. The bodies have only recently been reburied, having been exhumed so that DNA tests could be carried out to convince conspiracy theorists that the couple were indeed executed on Christmas Day 1989. Nicu Ceausescu's grave is topped with a grandiose, white and black marble tomb. It lies opposite the church, on the left side.
Open 08:00-18:00.
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