
Furnishing Your Home in Sofia

Since the opening of IKEA furnishing your home just got a whole lot easier, even if  for some unknown reason you should not be an IKEA fan, there are so many furniture places to choose from and locally produced custom furniture still is an affordable option.
Luckily a lot of shops are concentrated in one area compacting the search. The top end of Simeonovsko Shosse towards the Ring Road has a variety of classy imported furniture shops, all along the Ring Road between Mladost and Dragalevtsi there is a whole array of home furnishing shops for people with different tastes and budgets and on the lower level of the Sofia Ring Mall there are several furniture stores, and other home decorating shops.
There is no shortage of choice when it comes to finding technical equipment for the home. Everything from SMART TVs to vacuum cleaners can be found at prices comparable to elsewhere in Europe. Check out Technomarket, Technopolis, Zora (most helpful and knowledgeable sales staff) and Metro Cash & Carry.
Listed here are just some of our go-to places when redecorating or new furnishings are on the agenda

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