Fancy showing your kids how you used to boss video games in the age when the graphics were a bit less life-like or do you want to take a look at technology that classifies as fit for a museum? If you visit the Experymentarium at Manufaktura during April you can do just that as they host an interactive and very retro exhibition dedicated to the games you could play on Commodore and Atari computers. They’ll be games such as ‘Super Mario’ and ‘Asteroids’ among many others and some seriously dated but nonetheless nostalgia inducing equipment. It’s not just the computers which are old – the TVs or monitors they’ll be connected to are also authentic 80s and 90s pieces. <br />
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The exhibition has been created by the owner of the adjacent 8-bit Café who, as you might guess, is a bit of a fan of this period called Wojciech Andrzejewski. Andrzejewski is a passionate collector of old games and its well-worth a look. Visitors will be able to not just play on the old games but also learn how to write a bit of simple code in BASIC. If you don’t know what that is, ask your parents – they will.