This venue is currently closed for rennovation.
Gdańsk's Archaeological Museum resides within the Spichlerz Błękitny Baranek (ENG: The Blue Lamb Granary), which dates back to the 16th century and provides a unique interior for such an institution. It might seem strange to find a large archaeological exhibit on the Sudan in the heart of Gdansk, faux tribal huts and all, but go with it. The next floors cover the history of the area, complete with exhumed skeletons, an ancient canoe and plenty of interesting jewellery that has been liberated from the ground. More interesting than the Ice Age weaponry, Stone Age drawings and amber displays are the models of the city in the past and the detritus collected after Gdansk was shattered in World War II. With the opening of more and more modern and visitor-friendly museums in recent years this is both an academic way to spend an hour of your afternoon and a chance to see what all Polish museums were once like.
The permanent exhibitions are as follows:
POLISH: Miasto pod miastem |
ENGLISH: A city under a city |
Średniowieczna uliczka hanzeatycka | The medieval Hanseatic street |
Gdańsk w świecie Hanzy | Gdansk in the world of the Hanseatic League |
Wyspa Spichrzów w Gdańsku | Granary Island in Gdansk |