Time To Relax
At Zurich Massage and Sport Clinic, you will be taken care of with the best personal care. Whether you go for a relaxing and gentle massage or an energetic therapeutic massage, Masseur Harry will make sure that the treatment is customised and tailored to your needs.Are your stressed from work or travelling? Do you just need to get away a bit for a relaxing massage? Then this is the perfect place for you. Classic massage, relax massage, sport massage, freestyle massage or customised massage to your needs. Treatments are offered at the studio, or if you prefer in your hotel room or home.

For appointments, WhatsApp, Telegram, SMS or call: +41 (0)76 240 98 84
Price Info:
In Studio: 45 min 100Fr, 60 min 140Fr, 75 min 160Fr, 90 min 180Fr
Outcall: 60 min 200Fr, 90 min 250Fr