The successor series to the Dalmatian Klapa Concerty Cycle that entertained audiences in the capital between 2006 and 2014, the Zagreb Klapa Cycle is a program of concerts showcasing the magic of traditional klapa singing. Tracing its beginnings to choral movements in churches, this gorgeous a capella style of melody-making is an integral part of national culture, one that continues to be revived and interpreted in many ways. The 2025 cycle gets underway on March 7 with performances by Banderija, Ćakulone, Grdelin, Kana G and Sveti Ante. On March 23, a special Lent concert will take place at the at 7pm in The worship space of Blessed Alojzije Stepinac that is located at Kaptol 28 and serves as a temporary space for liturgical celebrations since the Zagreb Cathedral is closed due to damage caused by the 2020 earthquakes.