Seeking an Identity. Photographs by Anna Hartman Ksycińska
Mar 8 - Apr 20 2020
Przejście Garncarskie 2
Anna Hartman Ksycińska ponders in her photographs a question of identity. Identity is an ongoing process, a lifelong journey of discovery. There is no one definite moment that a young person will look in the mirror and say: yes, I know who I am. Personality, sexual preferences and views are constantly evolving. Young people often pretend to be someone else, frequently pressured by their environment and by the omnipresent social media. Hiding underneath is often a sensitive person in search of closeness, friendship, love and in a desperate need of role models. Today's world seemingly offers everything, but despite that friendship, love, and loyalty seem to be a scarce commodity, and admitting to searching for these unfashionable values can be a sign of weakness and inadequacy.