
Pub Drukarnia

  ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 39 ,   Old Town          (+48) 71 781 54 22     more than a year ago
Really, we don't know how we find these places. Well-secreted in a courtyard off ul. K. Wielkiego (behind Graciarnia), this locals pub is full of photos of former barstaff, clients and the owner who can generally be found behind the bar or overlooking the busy foosball table. A large garden exploits the fact that you could camp a circus in front of this place and still no one would notice it. With a lowkey playlist of reggae, dub, and chillout, Pub Drukarnia is nothing special, but it's a good place to become a barfly, make some friends, or at least get some currency out of not being from 'round here.'

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Open 16:00-24:00, Fri 14:00-02:00, Sat 12:00-02:00, Sun 12:00-24:00.


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We found this place last week, walked in and ordered a small beer. To which the cute barmaid asked if we meant .3 litres or .4. Unfamiliar with the concept of the .4l beer, we gave it a go, after which she took a regular pint glass, filled it just short and passed it over. For 4.50zl, not a bad deal at all. Here's to Polish ingenuity...
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