
Jerzy Rosołowicz - Alchemist

Nov 17 - Jan 23 2023       Pl. Strzegomski 2
One of the most important figures of the avant-garde in Wrocław, Jerzy Rosołowicz (1928-1982) was primarily a painter, but also created sculptures and many mixed media projects. His art was highly conceptual, sometimes opaquely so if viewed without knowledge of the artist's extensive theoretical context. Throughout his artistic life he searched for solutions that would neutralise the human species' negative impact on the planet, and sought to address his own questions about the artist's role in a society he saw as moving towards its inevitable destruction. This exhibition - organised by OKiS (Ośrodek Kultury i Sztuki) in Wroclaw at the Wrocław Contemporary Museum - is an opportunity to look at all the manifestations of Jerzy Rosołowicz's work, from his early works and rarely interpreted drawings, to his last projects, made with specific people in mind: Telehydrographics and Flowers. All these projects, though formally different, are linked by Rosołowicz's deep concern for humanity and its survival.



Mon, Fri ; Wed 9:00-15:00; Thu 14:00-20:00; Sat, Sun 12:00-20:00 Nov 17 2022 - Jan 23 2023

Price/Additional Info

Admission 20/10zł.


muzeumwspolczesne.pl/mww/ www.facebook.com/MuzeumWspolczesne/
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