
Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Finale in Wrocław

Sunday Jan 26 13:00–22:00       Rynek
It's that special day again - when literally every single person you encounter on the street will be sporting a red heart sticker (and those who don't will be stigmatised). What are these stickers all about? They're proof that you donated to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (also known as WOŚP) - Poland's largest non-profit charity organisation, which raises literally billions of złoty every year to purchase new medical equipment for the country's healthcare system. A great cause, surely, so get that sticker.

Not only is the day of WOŚP's grand finale a last-ditch fundraising effort, it's also a full day of free concerts and other events. In Wrocław most of the festivities take place on the market square, with a full slate of concerts by big-name Polish music stars beginning in the afternoon. For years 20:00 marked the grand hurrah, with fireworks simultaneously going off across the country in a moment called the 'Light to the Heavens.' Concerns over smog and public pressure to protect the sanity of pets, however, have basically cancelled the fireworks and replaced them with scenes like this:
One of many Polish children growing up without fireworks. Please donate.
Instead of fireworks, there will be a laser show [because no one asked the cats if that's cool with them, no, the dogs are scared of fireworks so let's just go with the archnemesis of all cats instead...], but all are invited to help out by bringing their own flashlights, glow sticks, etc. Please do your part by donating here, and check out the full schedule below.



Jan 26 2025 13:00–22:00

Price/Additional Info

Admission free


en.wosp.org.pl www.facebook.com/finalWOSPWroclove/
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