
Former Air Raid Shelter on Plac Strzegomski

  Pl. Strzegomski 2a (Fabryczna)     more than a year ago
WWII air raid shelter in Wrocław; today Wrocław Contemporary Museum
WWII air raid shelter in Wrocław; today Wrocław Contemporary Museum
Built between 1942 and 1943 at the height of WWII, this 25m high above-ground air raid shelter promised protection during aerial bombardments with exterior walls over one metre thick. Known as 'Festunglazaret II' during the Siege of Breslau, recently it was modernised to house the Wrocław Contemporary Museum and is open to the public. Just west of the city centre, to get there hop on trams 3, 10, 20 or 23 at the 'Rynek' stop, getting off 3 stops later at 'Pl. Strzegomski.'


Open 12:00 - 20:00, Mon 10:00 - 18:00. Closed Tue.

Price/Additional Info

Admission free for permanent exhibit, temporary exhibits 10/5zł, family ticket 15zł.


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